Luke 3 Genealogy of Jesus Christ: The Revelation
Change Eli to "Son of Eli", and insert the Alef-Tav את, for Salvation
Quoting “The Genealogy of Jesus” “The New Testament provides two accounts of the genealogy of Jesus, one in the Gospel of Matthew and another in the Gospel of Luke. Matthew starts with Abraham and works forwards, while Luke works back in time from Jesus to Adam. The lists of names are identical between Abraham and David (whose royal ancestry affirms Jesus' Messianic title Son of David), but differ radically from that point. Matthew has twenty-seven generations from David to Joseph, whereas Luke has forty-two, with almost no overlap between them or with other known genealogies.”
For this post, I will focus solely on Luke 3’s genealogy. See my post “Matthew 1 Genealogy of Jesus Christ: The Revelation” for the decode and Revelation of Matthew’s genealogy of “Jesus Christ”.
The decode of Matthew’s genealogy was relatively easy: the mathematics were clearly obvious. The decode for Luke is more subtle.
Before I begin: In Bible Mathematics, 1000 represents “Completion” aka “Attainment” because it is the 28th Sofit Cipher value for the future 23rd Hebrew Letter. Squaring of a Number, such as 32, represents “sharing of the light” and/or “Completion”.
I also want to introduce a concept called “Number Power”. Some numbers are more notable than others: They are members of a higher number of “more interesting” number series. Take as an example, 276. 276 is the 23rd Triangular Number, the 12th Hexagonal Number, the 11th Centered Pentagonal Number, and 276 = 15 + 25 + 35. 15 + 25 + 35 alludes to 3rd Adam, the sum goes up to the 3, and the fifth power [5] signifies perfection of the natural order (4), + 1 (The Creator). Furthermore, the future 23rd Hebrew Letter Sofit value = 1000, which represents completion. The 12th Hexagonal Number represents the 12 Sons of Jacob, with Hexagonal Numbers representing the Shabbat, aka, Sabbath, aka, the Great Millennium. Notably, 276 is mentioned in Acts 27:37. Numbers in the Bible, such as the 276 in Acts 27:37, are coded messages, plain and simple.
Figure 1 shows the sums of some Cipher values for the 11 Triplets, 33 Letters of Creation, which “light up” my Cipher Calculator. My Cipher Calculators are color-coded to display colors for highly significant number series such as Prime Numbers, Triangular Numbers, Tetrahedral Numbers, and more. That’s what high Number Power looks like in my Cipher Calculator: Lots of colors in the Sums, with the emphasis on only the Sums. I am not talking about the Number Power of individual components nor words, for strict purposes of this decode. Figures in my blog posts are high resolution. You should be able to click on them to see a larger version: large enough to make out the numbers on a computer monitor. I can. Or, download the screenshot for viewing. You cannot see all of the Hebrew words in the screenshots because the resulting resolution would be too low.
The Creator conveys the deepest secrets using mathematics because mathematics transcends languages – it is Uni-verse-al. Universe. One Verse. The Torah is actually One Verse: one continuous string of letters. The Torah is also one of God’s Names. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. “The Word was God”. Studying and decoding the Words in the Torah is like walking in Gan Eden with The Creator: You can begin to Understand how The Creator thinks.
Thus, when I investigate and decode a mystery in the Bible, I look for “Higher Number Power”, because it is [probably] the only means to separate number signal from number noise. Thus, because of the color-coding in the Cipher Calculator, I can tell, almost at-a-glance, what scenarios [combinations of Words] display higher Number Power. This greatly reduces the time that it takes to conduct an investigation. If I publish a detailed decode, it is in part, because I first saw the probable answer in the “Number Power”.
First, I will decode the Hebrew version of Luke’s genealogy. Then, I will make the same changes to the Greek version of Luke’s genealogy, using Greek Isopsephy, and decode that. The key headline in advance: The same basic messages are conveyed.
First, be aware of the following etymologies:
Rome: “Exalted But Deceived”.
Greek: “Old, Withered”.
Hebrew: “One Who Transits, Flower Forth, Deducer, One Who Looks At Something From All Sides”.
Based solely on etymology, if I had a choice, I’d much rather be Hebrew than Greek or Roman.
Washington DC is rife with Greek and Roman architecture.
Luke 3. The genealogy from Luke 3 as written in Hebrew in Biblehub is shown in Figure 2, and the Greek version is shown in Figure 3. I could anticipate a comment to the effect of “but the New Testament was not originally written in Hebrew”. Probably true. However, I have seen, over and over and over again, evidence that The Creator has orchestrated the Bible to be “good” across multiple languages at this point in time. If The Creator had not done that, what would we have? Nothing. I choose not to believe that. I certainly have pursued discovery of the Truth with the assumption that what I use is “good”. Thus, I have “faith”. However, one must identify the correct versions of the Bible to use. I have done so; I spent several months on that task.
Note that in Figure 2, in Hebrew, Biblehub listed 77 generations in the genealogy of Jesus, while in Figure 3, in Greek, Biblehub listed 78 generations in the genealogy of Jesus.
Also shown in Figures 2 and 3 are the Generation Number, the English Name, the Verse Number, the Chapter-Verse Numbers concatenated, and the meanings of the Names. In the Bible, everything is a clue. Overlook nothing. Sums are shown at the bottom in green.
Figure 4 shows a screenshot from the Cipher Calculator sums for the Hebrew version of Luke’s genealogy. At-a-glance, the numbers shown are in aggregate, not “High Number Power”. This suggests an unsolved mystery, and that modest changes should be made to Luke’s genealogy to find the hidden messages.
Back to Figure 2. The 1st thing that I notice is that the genealogy has 77 generations, which is 77 - 42 = 36 - 1 = [62 – 1] more generations than the genealogy given in Matthew. The “-1” is important. Thus, 42 + 36 - 1 = 77: the path of Luke is longer than the path of Matthew. 42 as in the 42-Letter Name of HaShem, aka, The Creator. 36 = 62 represents the completion of 6, as in the first 6 days / 6000 years of Genesis, and as in completion of the 6 faces of a Cube, our Simulation. -1 as in missing “1”. The very well-known Shema Prayer, line “1”, from Deu 6:4 is שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד which is “Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is One”, where “LORD” is the pious way to translate יהוה YHVH. The LORD is One. 1. Thus, one [1] of the names of the LORD is missing. Interestingly, Strong’s H1, as in 1, is אב ab “Father”. A “coincidence” regarding 1? You decide.
The 2nd thing that I notice is that the Luke genealogy starts with Jesus וישוע spelled with a Vav prefix, and, the genealogy traces its way “back” to God אלקים. Not forward: Backward. Going back to אלקים God. Morse translates וישוע Jesus spelled as “to cry out”, as in “to cry out to God for Salvation”. Starting from וישוע Jesus “to cry out” to finish at God אלקים hints that those who are on the Luke path of Jesus, defined as “Yah Saves”, first return to God…. before they can start again on “The Path”, for those familiar with “The Path”. These observations don’t prove these findings, they simply hint at them. “Cry out”. Gen 4:10 “And He said: 'What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto Me from the ground”. This in our time refers to the mRNA Fake Vaccines. Ground האדמה is h’adamah, which I decoded in the blog post “The 1273rd Word in the Torah, as in mRNA-1273, is Strong's H127 האדמה hā·’ă·ḏā·māh, "Of The Ground"”. Gen 4:10 “And He said: 'What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto Me from the [1273rd Word in the Torah]”. 1273rd Word: Same number as mRNA-1273.
I intensely hate those mRNA fake vaccines, because I understand their consequences, and because I hate deception. I take the viewpoint that most people don’t really want to be deceived. Not really. Romans 9:13 “…Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” God is spelled as אלקים in the Luke genealogy, which is Elohim אלהים but with a Kuf ק in place of a Hei ה. A google search for אלק revealed “אלק is used in Hebrew as an expression of doubt”. Doubt as in Amalak is Bible code for “doubt”, as in “doubt” about the existence of One Creator and that only The Creator can “save”, as I penned in mRNA and DNA Fake Vaccines. Quoting “Kuf” “The design of the kuf is similar to that of the hei. But while the hei represents holiness, the ק kuf represents kelipah, or unholiness.” And, as I stated in mRNA and DNA Fake Vaccines the hidden purpose of all vaccines is to make you Biblically unclean. Unclean = unholiness. The mRNA vaccines violate at least 10 Bible laws of which I am aware. See Figure 5. Read my decodes. Start with Introduction.
Repeating: Jesus וישוע in the Hebrew version of the Luke genealogy is spelled with Vav prefix. Vav represents hook or spike, and the mRNA fake vaccine has been said to cause a person to manufacture the “spike protein”. Yeshua, which means “Salvation”, was spiked to the “cross” [of the Red aka Reed Sea] with 3 spikes. These two findings: The backward genealogy, and, Jesus spelled as וישוע thus allude that the Luke genealogy of Jesus [Yah is Salvation] is, at least initially, unsuccessful. The Standard Cipher value of Jesus [Yeshua] spelled with a Vav prefix is 392. The Standard Cipher value of Yeshua ישוע spelled without the Vav is 386 = 385 + 1 [1 as in “The LORD is 1” in Deu 6:4] and 385 = Standard Cipher value of שכניה H7935 Shechinah “Yah has taken up his abode”, which is the Divine presence of The Creator. So then Jesus as וישוע = Shechinah + 1 + 6, the 6 of which alludes to a 2nd trip through physicality, in no small part, because a Box, which is a translation by Babylon Software [an ironic name] of תבת H8392 Ark as-spelled in Gen 6:14, has 6 faces. Babylon also translates תבת as “casket”. There are at least two different types of Arks in Genesis 6. Look at the various spellings of H8392 and run them through Babylon, Milog, and Morfix. No, the Ark was not a real ship in the common sense. The freemason-led churches, which is pretty much all of them, have led almost everybody astray in understanding scripture. 14 refers to Son or deceit: I’ll get to that in the next paragraph.
The 3rd thing that I notice is two Cainins קינן in the genealogy: at Generations 5 and 14. 5 here represents holiness and, quoting “The Significance of the Number Five” “The number five represents the perfection of the natural order (the number four), with the addition of one: HaShem Himself”. 14 represents the Son and Salvation, because Jeshua, which means “Salvation” was called the “Son of Nun”, aka “Son of 14”. Nun has a Standard Value of 50 and a Sofit Value of 700, so “Son of Nun” is also “Son of 50” and “Son of 700”. Maybe I’ll explain that further in a future post. Cainin is Cain קינ, as in Cain and Abel, with a subscript of Final Nun ן. Cain is defined as “Smith, Spear[-Bearer], Political Leader”. A needle is a tiny spear. Two Cainins in this genealogy allude to two snakebites: The first in Gan Eden, and the second in mRNA. Two snakebites: One at holiness, turning it into unholiness, and the second at the “Son”: קינ plus Final Nun ן. One source posits that Nun represents any of: deceit, kingship, fish, miscarriage, or miracle. Thus, two possible interpretations: Spear_Deceit, or, Spear_Miracle. Perhaps Spear_Deceit followed by Spear_Miracle. Who knows these things? All I can say is: it All fits.
Are you getting the picture?
The 4th thing that I notice is עלי Eli, or, Heli Ηλι in the Greek, is at Generation #76, just prior to Joseph. Several authors have commented that the Luke Genealogy actually refers to Jesus’ genealogy through Mary. See, for example, “The Genealogy of Jesus (Part 2)”. Quoting from the article “One possible solution is the introduction of several levirate marriages within Jesus’ genealogy. The levirate marriage solution was first proposed by Africanus in the third century and is cited in Eusebius’s Ecclesiastical History. According to Deuteronomy 25: 5-10, if an elder brother dies without children, the younger is obliged to marry the elder brother’s widow. Their firstborn son would then become the legal heir of the deceased elder brother, even though he is the biological son of the younger brother. Under this arrangement, as Deuteronomy 25:6 says, “The first son she bears shall carry on the name of the dead brother so that his name will not be blotted out from Israel.” Levirate marriage was common in Old Testament times, and it offers an attractive explanation, especially for the most obvious discrepancy concerning Jesus’ grandfather: was he Jacob or Heli? Under the levirate marriage explanation, Jacob and Heli are brothers who successively had the same wife by levirate marriage; thus Joseph, was the legal son of Jacob and the biological son of Heli.”
Continuing to quote from the source “Jacob and Heli could only be brothers if they had the same father; yet, Matthan is the father of Jacob and Matthat is the father of Heli. We could assume that Matthan and Matthat are variants of the same name, but then they also have different fathers: Eleazar is the father of Matthan and Levi is the father of Matthat.”
Matthan מתנ: Shoroshim defines Matthan מתנ as “To wait, tarry, postpone; do slowly, go easy, soften, temper; act patiently; stipulate, make condition”. Abarim says Matthan Ματθάν in the Greek means “Gift”. Maybe they are different aspects of the same process. Notably, מתנ ends in the non-final Nun, not a Final Nun per the Hebrew convention. This appears to be another hint: Not Final “Son of Nun”.
Matthat מתת: Shoroshim defines Matthat מתת as “to die, perish, expire; sub-; gift, present; death; execution”. Wow. Gift and death. Assuming the gift is not death, those are two quite different concepts. Abraim says Matthat Μαθθὰτ means “Gift”. Perhaps the gift is death, because that could then perhaps start one in a new Simulation to have another chance at eternal life. “From generation to generation”. Generation can also mean “the production of something”. Gene-ration. Gene.
Now, Levi עלי [as in Levitical marriage] means “Joined, Joiner. From the verb לוה (lawa), to join or connect”. The Standard Cipher value of Levi עלי is 46, the same as the Number of Chromosomes in the body. The 2*Pi_Phi_O Cipher value of Levi is 380. The 2*Pi_Phi_O Cipher represents “ruach” or spirit. That is because the 27-Letter value of that Cipher is 214.000, and 214 = Sofit Cipher value of ruach רוח H7308 “spirit”, which has been said to be the 2nd of 5 levels of the soul. 380, the output of the 2*Pi_Phi_O Cipher value of Levi, notably is the Standard Cipher value of Egypt מצרים H4714 Mitsrayim, which means “Temple of Ptah, Married To Tragedy”. Ptah notably was credited with inventing masonry, as in “freemasonry”, one of the many evil groups [Fake Jews, Vatican, Jesuits, Illuminati, occultists, governments…] behind the mRNA fake vaccines. What connects, or joins, two chromosomes? The centromere. Quoting Centromere “The two “sister” chromatids are joined at a constricted region of the chromosome called the centromere. During cell division, spindle fibers attach to the centromere and pull each of the sister chromatids to opposite sides of the cell. Soon after, the cell divides in two, resulting in daughter cells with identical DNA”. Levites thus can refer to the centromeres. Joiners. See Figure 6. עלי occurs 6x as-spelled in the Torah. 6 as previously defined. Deu 31:9 “And Moses wrote this law, and delivered it unto the priests the sons of Levi, that bore the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and unto all the elders of Israel”. The Levi portion of this decode could go much deeper, because I have seen it, but I’ll stop it here.
The 5th thing to notice is Admin Ἀδμὶν in the Greek version of Luke shown in Figure 3. Admin Ἀδμὶν is in the Greek version of the genealogy, but it was not in the Hebrew version on Biblehub. Admin, as stated in Abarim, can be spelled as אדמוני , אדמון, or אדמין, and is from the root דמם dmm, to begin, to produce. Biblehub defines דמם dmm as “blood, cease”. Shoroshim defines the root דמם dmm as “To resemble, simulate; be still/silent; destroy, cease”. Admin אדמין is Adam אדמ with a suffix of Yud-Final Nun. The meaning of Yud-Final Nun has been difficult to find. It has been said by one author to mean “of them”. Thus “Adam of them” as in, not the Adam of the Creator. Conceptually, that fits. Yud has been said, in some contexts, to indicate semen. Nun as stated previously has been said to have several possible meanings, and one of those is deceit. Thus, “semen of deceit”. Trump stated that he was “Father of the vaccine”. mRNA is genetic information. Genetic information from a father is semen. This fits too. Admin אדמון spelled with Vav-Final Nun also conveys essentially the same meaning, as Vav represents hook or spike, and, as stated previously, the mRNA fake vaccine has been said to cause a person to manufacture the “spike protein”. Yeshua, which means “Salvation”, was spiked to the “cross” [of the Red Sea] with 3 spikes. The translation of Vav-Final Nun ון by Babylon is “to defraud, deceive, cheat”. This all fits.
The sum of the 77 Generations is, by definition, the 77th Triangular Number 3003. 3003 is well known as the Standard Cipher value of the 11 Triplets of Creation, which is shown in Figure 1 and which was mentioned early in this blog post. 3003 is the 39th Hexagonal Number. Quoting “The Significance of Thirty-nine” “The significance of thirty-nine is that it is associated with purification from an undesirable state and the emergence of a new entity. There are forty labors, less one, corresponding to the thirty-nine lashes, which are not administered on Shabbat; they correspond to the ten curses given to Adam, the ten curses given to Chava, the ten curses given to the snake, and the nine curses pronounced on the earth.”
My take on this is that 77 generations suggests that the purification from an undesirable state will have to begin…. Again. Notice also that 77 is 7_7. Quoting “The Significance of The Number Seven” “Seven is the number of the natural world”. Thus, 7_7 alludes to “natural world_natural world”, which supports the hypothesis of going through physicality---again. Quoting “The Significance of The Number Eight” “The number eight always alludes to a departure from the “natural” world, and entry into the supernatural world”. Here, simplistically think of supernatural as the 4th Dimension and beyond: aka, the “World to Come”, which is “the next level”. Thus 78 alludes to “Natural World__World to Come”. In the post “Completing the Torah: How is the Torah Finalized? Part 3” I posited that the path to the completed Torah has a conditional stop at a Sofit Cipher value of 32,778,000. This alludes to 3rd Adam. The first Adam fell to physicality [7], the 2nd Adam Yeshua was crucified [7], but the members of the 3rd Adam achieve “World to Come” [8]. Thus: 7_7_8. 778000 in 32778000 thus alludes to “the Completion of 778” with that articulated attendant meaning. There was a strong reason for me to find, posit, and publish how the Torah is finalized.
Now, back to Admin. Admin Ἀδμὶν, andאדמוני , אדמון, or אדמין, with the meanings that I conveyed, shows up in the Greek version, but not in the Hebrew version. Greek, as stated previously, means “old, withered”. One meaning of Hebrew is “one who transits”. Thus, it is a good thing that Admin does not show up in the Hebrew version. Admin is removed: for the Hebrew. By The Creator. Such an act is אהבה H160 Ahabah: Unconditional Love: For The Creator’s children.
Back to Figure 2. The sum of the Verse Numbers for the 77 Generations = 2356, which I notice is 44 less than 2400. 44 brings to mind the Standard Cipher value of דם H1818 dam, “blood”, and 44 is 1 less than אדם Adam which has a Standard Cipher value = 45. What is 2400? Perhaps it refers to 2400 shekels of bronze [copper] required in the building of the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, as stated in Ex 38:29. See Figure 7, which are screenshots from the Martha Stewart commercial promoting the mRNA-1273 fake vaccine. First, notice the arrangement of copper [bronze] dishes in the shape of a crown, in the kitchen, where “food” is “cooked”. In that commercial, as I have decoded in “Decode of the Pfizer TV Ad: 'Got Covid Booster?”, she cuts off the crown of a pineapple with a sword, which is symbolism for cutting off [preventing] your crown, your corona, your anointing. The pineal gland. The “Powers That Be” behind the commercial both inform and mock you, it seems. So, 2356 here is the Verse Number Sum for the 77 Generations of Luke. Thus, the math equation is: “77 Generations of Luke” + Blood = 2400 Shekels of Bronze required in building the Tabernacle.
In Figure 2, the Chapter_Verse sum is 25456, which I notice is 544 less than 26000 even. 544 is the Ordinal Cipher value of the 42 Letter Name of HaShem, Final Form Letters. “Final Form”. Notably, the precession of the equinoxes is 26000 years. 26000 would also signify the completion of 26, and 26 is notably the Standard Cipher value of YHVH יהוה, one of the names of The Creator. Thus, the math equation is “77 Generations of Luke” + 42 Letter Name of HaShem “Final Form” = Precession of the Equinoxes = Completion of YHVH. My reasonable deduction is this signifies, for those on the longer path of Salvation, which is the Luke genealogy of Jesus [Yah Saves]: the end of our Simulation, with those various longer path souls moving on to their next destinations, which may vary by soul. See Deu 17:9-12 “And thou shall come unto the priests the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those days; and thou shalt inquire; and they shall declare unto thee the sentence of judgment.”. עלי Levi = 46. Chromosomes. The Creator reads [spells out: Milui Cipher] the DNA, and decides what is next: for each individual person.
Now, Figure 4: The sums of the Cipher values for the 77 generations of Luke. That definitely is a low Number Power set of sums. Not much color. This strongly suggests, to me because I’ve done so much of this work, that there are hidden secrets to be found by slightly amending the Luke genealogy. I could interpret some of those numbers, but in the interest of brevity, I won’t do so in this blog post.
Figure 8 shows my posited, amended, Luke genealogy as expressed in Hebrew. There are two changes to Luke 3 as written in Hebrew in Biblehub:
Heli [Eli] is changed from עלי to בןעלי “Son of Heli”, “Son of Eli”.
Alef-Tav את is added. Probably at Generation #75, which follows Generation #74, which is Matthat, which Babylon translated as “Death”. That seemed like a good and appropriate position to add Alef-Tav את.
Making these two changes results in a “78 Generation Amended Luke Genealogy”. Remember what I conveyed about 78 vs 77. The Cipher values for the 78 Generation Amended Luke Genealogy are shown in Figure 9. By visual inspection, those sums display “very high Number Power”. Although not shown, the Cipher Calculator that I created also gives the sums for First Letters only, Last Letters only, and First + Last Letters only, which I reviewed, and understood, but will not cover here.
Why את Alef Tav? Well, first, because it worked very well mathematically. A second reason, which led me to try it, is that I know that Alef Tav את is a Signature of the Creator. Thirdly, there is Rev 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."” The Hebrew version of Rev 1:8 is אני האלף והתו ראש וסוף נאם ה' אלקים ההוה והיה ויבוא אלקי צבאות, which can be translated as “I am the Aleph א and the Tav ת, the beginning and the ending, says Yahuah Elohiym, who is, and who was, and who is to come, Yahuah Tseva’ot”. By the way, the Complete Sofit Cipher value of Rev 1:8 is 5272 = 23 * 659 = 8 * 52nd “Strong Prime” Number. Complete Sofit = Ordinal Cipher + Sofit Cipher. 8 can represent Life Eternal, and 52 is the Standard Cipher value of ben בן H1121 “Son”. Notice that 8, if you rotate it 90 degrees, is the symbol ∞ for infinity. Strong’s H1121 for ben “Son” is 1121 = 1000 + 121 = 1000 + 112. 1000 represents completion, and 112 represents completion of the 10 sephirot + Da’at, knowledge, thus 10 + 1 = 11. 121 = 112 will come up again near the end of this decode. Yes, The Creator even orchestrated at least some of the Strong’s Concordance numbering. And finally, Mat 21:12 “Then Jesus [Yah Saves: את Alef Tav] entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there….”. את Alef Tav entered the temple: The body, to cleanse the Vav, the hook, the pseudouridine Ψ from the body. The answer to the amended Luke genealogy was given in the Bible. The letter Psi Ψ, which is the symbol chosen by the Ψ-entific community for pseudouridine in mRNA-1273. Ψ is the shape of the Trident, which was the weapon of the “sea” gods Neptune and Poseidon in the classical literature, and the Trident was also the weapon of the devil [key word search “Trident”]. Devil is G1229 diabolos, which means “slanderous, accusing falsely”. When The Creator spells out your genome in a few years, if that genome doesn’t match the genome that he gave to you, then that will constitute a lie, thus “accusing falsely” and “bearing false witness”. Those who promoted the mRNA-1273 fake vaccine promoted “bearing false witness” against their neighbors. They will be punished. Harshly. It all fits.
Why change Eli [Heli] עלי to בןעלי “Son of Eli”, “Son of Heli”? I’m speculating here: the prefix “Son of” may have been used about 2050 years ago to qualify that the father was from a Levitical marriage. The mathematics definitely did not work without בן “Son”, and my intuition, for lack of a better descriptor, indicated that I had to use בן “Son”. Basically, I “knew” it.
One comment: I am not changing the Bible when I do this type of work. What I am doing is I discovering secrets hidden in the Bible that can be found by making the appropriate amendments.
Now, the Cipher values for “78 Generation Amended Luke Genealogy”.
Referring to Figure 9, all three of the Ordinal, Standard, and Sofit Cipher value sums are all Prime Numbers. Those values are, respectively, 3881, 21673, and 39233. You can find some of the Prime Indices for those 3 numbers at Prime-Numbers.Info. Given that Prime Numbers constitute about 10% of all Numbers in that range, the probability that this result is random is about 10% * 10% * 10%, which is 1 in 1000. High Number Power, indeed.
The Prime Number Indices for 3881, 21673, and 39233 are 538, 2433, and 4132, respectively, which sum to 7103, which is itself a Prime Number. Another 10% probability, thus, the probability that this result is random is now 1 in 10000. 7103 is the 911th Prime Number for 1=Prime, and 911 is the 156th Prime Number, with 156 = Standard Cipher value of יוסף Joseph, as in Joseph in Genesis, and as Joseph in משיח בן יוסף Moshiach ben Joseph. Quoting “What Will Happen When Moshiach Comes?” “Moshiach will reveal profound hitherto unknown dimensions of the Torah. The Midrash goes as far as to say that "the Torah which we study in this world is naught in comparison to the Torah of Moshiach."”. Sounds like an interesting person. 🤔🤔 That source also posits that “the central personality in this war is Moshiach ben Yosef—Moshiach of the tribe of Joseph, who will be killed in this battle”. Well, I can’t attest to the veracity of that article, but what I can say is: I kind of hope not. But then again, perhaps that is the Job. Wordplay, if you clicked on Job.
Prime Number Indices constitute a network of number connections that can help you to decode the Torah and scripture. If you use them that way, pay attention to the definition of the Prime Number index. As an example: Isolated Prime refers to “Set apart, consecrated”, because to be Isolated is to be “set apart”.
The Sofit Cipher Value = 39233. 39233 is 2nd Member of the 62nd Sexy Prime Triplet. Sexy Prime Triplet likely refers to 3rd Adam [3 = Triplet]. 62 likely refers to המזבח h’mizbeach H4196 “altar”, which has a Standard Cipher value = 62, and thus, in this case, 62 would have the attendant meanings of altar in the scripture. המזבח h’mizbeach occurs 100x as-spelled in the Torah. 100 = 102, which likely alludes to the Completion of Mashiach [Christ, anointed], the Completion of 10. Quoting “Mashiach and The Number Ten” “the Temple that the body of Mashiach is a body composed of the righteous of Israel. This body is a unity composed of parts. The body is composed of Israel and the head is Mashiach. This is the ultimate expression of ten: A unity made of parts”. 10. 10 squared: “Completion of 10”.
Once you have the mathematical codes that unlock scripture, you can understand scripture better by a factor of 10x, 100x, maybe even 1000x. Through my blog posts, I have shared some of those codes.
The difference between the Sofit and the Standard Cipher Prime Number Indices is 4132 – 2433 = 1699 which, again, is also a Prime Number. 1699 is the 3rd Member of the 45th Prime Triplet, 1=Prime, which again alludes to 3rd Adam. However, 1699 is the *distance* between Standard [not anointed] and Sofit [anointed]. Thus, anointing appears to enhance a soul, which is manifested through the “mind”, a member of 3rd Adam.
The Mispar Mispari Cipher value + Letter Count [Kolel] = 156241, which is the 14376th Prime Number and the 80th Centered Square Prime Number for 1=Prime. 14376 = 14000 + 376. 14000 alludes to completion [1000] of Nun [14], which is “Completion of Son” in this case. 376 could be many things, but I note with interest that the Standard Cipher value of שלום Shalom, “peace” is 376. Thus, perhaps, “Son of Peace”. Centered Square Prime alludes to “Central Sephirot”, which is the ideal balance of giving and receiving. Square alludes completion and/or sharing of the light. Prime, of course, also means “of highest quality”. Thus, Centered Square Prime: “Ideal Completion of Highest Quality”. 80 itself can signify the Standard Cipher value of Yesod יסוד H3247, which is “Foundation”, the Milui מם of the Letter מ Mem, or the allegory hidden in the observation that Moses was 80 years of age at the time he spoke with Pharaoh and at the time of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Exodus is שמות “Shemot” which literally translates as “Name” or “Names”. Thus, “Exodus” is really “Name”. Rev 2:17 “…. and I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.”
The 2*Pi_Phi_O Cipher value + Letter Kolel = 58711. 58711 is the 5941st Prime Number. 5941 is the 45th Centered Hexagonal Number, thus again alluding to Adam. Hexagonal Numbers represent the Shabbat, as stated earlier. The 2*Pi_Phi_O Cipher represents ruach, “spirit”, also as conveyed earlier. Also, notably 5941 is 59 less than 6000, and there are 59 occurrences of האדם H’Adam in the Torah, which has been said by one notable Bible researcher to be the specific spelling of Adam that represents “consciousness”. That is very likely true. Thus, Ruach [78 Generations] + H’Adam = Completion of the 6 Days of Creation, which is 5941 + 59 = 6000. And, the 2*Pi_Phi_O Cipher value + Letter Kolel + Word Kolel = 58789 = 5948th Prime Number, which is 52 less than 6000, and 52 = Standard Cipher value of בן ben “Son”. Thus, Ruach [78 Generations] + Son = Completion of the 6 Days of Creation. Furthermore, 5941 is the 55th Centered Square Number, with 55 alluding to “two hands”, each of which has 5 fingers for a total of 10, which again is a reference to Mashiach, aka 3rd Adam, aka Christ, aka anointed.
As I stated in my Introduction post, “The Torah is also Magnificent Mathematical Code that is hyper-densely packed with hidden messages that can be discovered and revealed by using mathematical deciphering algorithms.” Hyper-densely packed hidden messages. I stand in awe of unfathomable intelligence that went into the Torah and the mathematical design of the Hebrew Alef-Bet.
I will now introduce a previously unmentioned Cipher “Torah Letter Count Sum of Digits”. To create this cipher, I summed the digits in the Torah Letter Count for each of the 27 Letters, and then “Triangled” them: successively added them as I have done to create many other Ciphers. The 27-Letter value of that Cipher is 6561 = 38, and the 27-Letter Average is 243.000 = 35 = Standard Cipher value of אברם H87 Abram before The Creator renamed him אברהם H85 “Abraham”. 6561 is also the 81st Square Number, and 81 = 34 and 38 = (34)2, the chibur of which is 342 as in Shem-Mem-Bet, which refers to the 42-Letter Name of HaShem. 3 as in 3rd Adam. How interesting is that – to derive such a mathematically perfect Cipher from the Torah Letter Counts, by Letter?
Now, the “Torah Letter Count Sum of Digits” Cipher value of the amended 78 Generations in Figure 9 is 67000 even. 67 is the Standard Cipher value of בינה H998 Binah, the sephirot defined as “Understanding”, and the 42-Letter Name is often presented in 7 levels of 6 Letters, thus “67”. Wow, Wow, and Wow! That’s kind of the moment when you know, for sure, that you have found the intended answer. 67000 thus represents the Completion of Binah for the amended 78 Generations Luke genealogy of Jesus.
I could write much more about what I found in the various Cipher sums for the amended Luke genealogy of Jesus, but I think that the Binah result is a great stopping point for that thread. I will continue with other threads.
Now, in Figure 8, I positioned the Alef Tav את in Generation #75 and in verse #324: for specific reasons. 75 = 3 * 25 = 3 * 52. The Chibur of 52 is 52 as in “Son”, and 3 alludes to 3rd Son, 3rd Adam. This placement results in the Sum of the Verses = 2380. 2380 is 238 kabbalistically. Thus, 238 and 2380:
238 = Standard Cipher value of רחל H7354 Rachel. 2380 might then represent Rachel * 10, with 10 representing the 10 Sefirot. Gen 29:17 “… Rachel was of beautiful form and fair to look upon”.
2380 also = 5th Level [Pentagonal], 14 th rank of the Seed value of 1. 5 is the Natural World + The Creator, as previously conveyed. 14 is Son in this usage.
2380 = 3rd Level [Triangular], 28th rank Sum of the *Seed* value of 42, [4,2]. 28 as in the 28th Sofit value = 1000 for the 23rd future Hebrew Letter. Now, 1 / 42 = 0.023809852. 3 is 3rd Adam.
2380 = Standard Mispar Mispari Cipher value of הצדיקם H6662 tsaddiq “righteous person”.
2380 = Sofit Cipher value of Deu 5:9 “and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments.” 59. There are 59 occurrences of H’Adam [represents “consciousness”] in the Torah.
Furthermore, Verse #324 is 324 = 182, 18 is the Ordinal Cipher value of the Letter non-final צ Tzadi, which can represent a righteous person. 18 squared: “The Completion of the Righteous”. 424 = Standard Cipher value of משיח בן דוד Moshiach Ben David “Anointed Son of David”, “Christ Son of David”. Now, 424 = 324 + 100, thus “Completion of the Righteous” + Completion of Mashiach = Moshiach ben David.
This placement further results in the sum of the Chapter_Verses to be 25780 = the sum of the 14th to the 53rd Triangular Numbers which is expressed by T14 + T15 +… + T53. 13 is the Ordinal Cipher value of מ Mem non-Final form, which has been said to represent an open womb, and 13 is the 6th Prime Number. 53 is the 16th Prime Number, and 16 = 42, which alludes to both the Completion of both the Natural World and the 42-Letter Name. The distance from 13 to 53 = 16th Prime Number - 6th Prime Number = 10, Mashiach, aka Christ, aka anointed. Unfathomably clever math.
This moves Son of Eli [Son of Heli] to Generation #76, as in the 7 levels of 6 letters in the 42-Letter Name. This may well be the Levirate marriage. Notably, Eli עלי is H5941 in Strong’s, and 5941 is the index of the Prime Number 58711 which is the value of the 2*Pi_Phi_O Cipher value + Letter Kolel applied to my posited amended 78-Generation Luke genealogy. I mentioned 5941 a few paragraphs earlier. This “coincidence”, or not really a coincidence, has the hallmarks of what I call a “Bible Code Confirmation”. Furthermore, Eli עלי is shown in Biblehub as occurring 33x in the Bible, and I have extensively decoded 33 in “Completing the Torah: How is the Torah Finalized? Part 3”.
Now, if you look at Generation #52 in Figure 2, 52 as in “Son”, the name is Cosam, which means “magician, wizard, sorcerer, …”. Rev 18:23 “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” Sorceries is G5331 pharmakeia, “pharmaceuticals” as in mRNA and DNA Fake Vaccines. Sorceries, aka mRNA fake vaccines, are why the Luke genealogy is 36 = 62 generations longer. 5331 as in G5331 is the 1453rd SemiPrime Number. SemiPrime: not Prime, but almost Prime. SemiPrimes are the “product of 2 numbers”: 2 trips through the Simulation of physicality. 53 = 16th Prime, which is 4 squared, thus the 42nd Prime. 14 refers to Son. So, 1453 refers to “Son of 42 Prime”. The Levirate husband in the Luke genealogy is The Creator. The Creator even hid this secret in the Greek Strong’s Number, and this deduction mirrors what was conveyed two paragraphs earlier for the Number 25780. How magnificent is that? That is truly magnificent code from The Creator.
There are literally dozens, even hundreds, of avenues that you could investigate in the Luke [and Matthew] genealogies just by looking at the Names, the meanings of the Names, the Cipher values for the Names, and even the Strong’s Numbers for the Names. As one of dozens of examples, I note with interest that Judah is H3063, which kabbalistically is 363, which I recognize as the Standard Cipher value of המשיח H’Moshiach H4899, which occurs 4x as-spelled in the Torah, each time in reference to the “anointed priest”. Thus, the Total Cipher value = 4 * 363 = 1452, a double reference to Son: 14 & 52. A second example is that Jesus in the Greek is Strong’s G2424. 2424 is the double mirror of 42, as in the 42 Letter Name of HaShem. Deu 19:15 “… at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established”. Two witnesses: two 42s. A signature. Mouth in Deu 19:15 is פי H6310 peh with a transliteration in Deu 19:15 of “pi” which also alludes to the constant Pi = 3.14… and which is one of three possible spellings-out [Milui] of the Hebrew Letter פ Peh. Now, without the normal proof that I provide, I will simply state that the DNA backbone of your genome comprises two witnesses, Peh alludes to HaShem [aka God] speaking in the future, and the Pi split of the 42 Letter Name has a Standard Cipher value = 2083 = 314th Prime Number [314 as in P=3.14] and the 314th Prime Number is the value of the Milui of the future 23rd Hebrew Letter as I wrote in a different decode. Additionally, 2424 is the 2063rd Composite Number. 2063 = 64th Super Prime Number. 64 = The number of codons in the genome, and 64 = the Standard Cipher value of אדם Adam [45] plus חוה Eve [19].
“Hyper-densely packed hidden messages”. And I have shared only a small portion of what I have found.
Figure 10 shows the Greek genealogy amended in exactly the same fashion as the Hebrew genealogy was amended. Admin is removed. The sum of the Isopsephy values for the amended 78 generations = 45392. 45392 = 45000 + 392 = 42 ⋅ 2837. 45000 refers to the Completion of Adam. I’m using Hebrew references here applied to the number produced from Greek isopsephy. 392 = 142 + 142, a double reference to the Completion of Son: thus, 2 trips [two 14s squared] through physicality for some souls to complete the Son. So, in total, 45392 is a triple reference to Son, triple as in 3rd Adam. Yes, the Creator seems to have orchestrated at least this message from Greek isopsephy. The 42 in 42 ⋅ 2837 is an allusion to 42 and to the Completion of 4, or, alternatively, the path through 4 [Natural World] for a 2nd time. 2837 is the:
203rd Pythagorean Prime. 203 is notably the Standard Cipher value of ברא H1254 bara “create”, the 2nd Word in the Torah.
253rd Isolated Prime. 253 is notably the 22nd Triangular Number, thus alluding to no progression to the next level, which would be the future 23rd Hebrew Letter. 253 is also the 7th Star Number.
412nd Prime Number. 412 is notably the Standard Milui Cipher value of בית H1004 bayith “house” but which is also translated by Babylon as “daughter”. Daughter alludes to receiving, which further alludes to physicality: At least one more time. John 3:3 [as in 33] hints at this. Several translations are similar to the Google translation which is “Unless a man be born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God”. “Unless a man be born from above”. Female is not mentioned. This hints at being born spiritually [which is male] as a member of 3rd Adam. Women can be born again as spiritual males, in case someone objects to my expression of this concept.
The sum of 78 Generations = 3081 added to the Isopsephy values for the amended 78 generations 45392 = 48473 = 4896th Prime, 1=Prime, and the 3630th Isolated Prime. 4896 + 14 [Son] = 5000 = Completion of 5, and as I had quoted earlier “The number five represents the perfection of the natural order (the number four), with the addition of one: HaShem Himself”. 3630 = 10 * 363 with 363 = Standard Cipher value of H’Moshiach המשיח H4899 “Hei-anointed”, “5-anointed” because the Ordinal Cipher value of Hei is 5, thus also aka “5-Christ”.
And so on. I could go further. I’ve done the work, but it just conveys the same basic messages.
The next step was to add the Hebrew versions of the amended Matthew genealogy and the amended Luke genealogy. The result is shown in Figure 11. My first reaction upon viewing it was “that does not look like high Number Power”. I note with interest that the sum of the Word Count is 120, the sum of the Letter Count is 499, which is a Prime Number, and the Word + Letter Count = 619, which is also a Prime Number. 120 is notable for many reasons, including:
120 = 12 * 10 = 12 Sons of Jacob * 10, which represents Mashiach, aka Christ, aka “anointed”, as previously conveyed.
Gen 6:3 “…. My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for that he also is flesh; therefore shall his days be a hundred and twenty years”. 120.
120 = 8th Cumulative Triangular Number = 8th Tetrahedral Number. 8 = “World to Come” and “Transcendance”.
Psalm 120 is “A song of ascents”.
There are many more relevant definitions for 120. I’m not including them here for brevity.
The lack of high Number Power indicated that a probable hidden secret that could be discovered with one more amendment. Now, 120 is 1 less than 121 = 112, 499 is 1 less than 500 = 5 * 100, and 619 is 2 less than 621. 112 would represent completion/light of the 10 sephirot + Da’at, knowledge. 500 would represent 5: Perfection of the Natural Order as stated earlier, times 100 = 102 which represents Completion of Mashiach [aka Christ] which is the righteous of Israel. 621 is the Standard Cipher value of כתר H3804 Keter “crown”, the highest sephirot, plus 1. Thus, I had to search for 1 Letter, which would comprise 1 Word [thus 621, not 620]. The math is highly constrained in this scenario. I tried Alef, Bet, Tav, Gimmel, then finally, Closed Mem ם.
The Answer is Closed Mem ם.
Closed Mem + 120 generations displayed high “Number Power” as shown in Figure 12, and conceptually, Closed Mem ם, which can represent a closed womb, fits quite well. A closed Mem is also, basically, a circle: The completion of an uncompleted arc [ark]. The womb is only closed, however, after *everyone* is born: those who took the amended Matthew path of Jesus “Salvation is Yah”, and those who took the amended Luke path of Salvation. A Beautiful message. No one gets left behind.
Interestingly, the Trig Cipher value + Letter Count + Word Count of standalone ם Closed Mem = 24 + 40 + 600 + 1 + 1 = 666. The Trig Cipher = Ordinal + Standard + Sofit, and is one of my “high signal” cipher discoveries. I noticed the 666 observation just as I was penning the paragraph.
Also, notably, H121, as in the 121 generations of the Matthew + Luke + Closed Mem, is also אדם Adam. That Adam occurs *10x* in the Bible, according to Biblehub: 6x in Genesis, 1x in Joshua, 1x in Job, 1x in Hosea, and 1x in the New Testament: 1 Chronicles 1:1. I listed them in the order presented in Biblehub. 1 Chronicles 1:1 is 111, which is the Milui of the Letter א Alef, which is 1. Joshua and Hosea both mean “Salvation”. Thus, 2 paths to Salvation. Now, the sequence: Genesis, then Joshua [Salvation], then if you took the fake vaccine: Job [work], then Hosea [Salvation], then Chronicles, which is “A written account of events and when they happened, ordered by time”. The definition of Chronicles is kind of like a book, as in, “The Book of Life”. The verse numbers reveal even more secrets. I’ll leave those to the reader. In those 10 occurrences, Adam is spelled אדם six times, ולאדם one time, מאדם one time, and כאדם two times. There’s a decode in just Adam as H121 that could be written. The Stella Octangular Cipher [the 10 occurrences of H121] = 291043 = 25313rd Prime Number, and 25313 = 113th Centered Square Number. The Creator’s throne is in the shape of a Stella Octangula. I may demonstrate that in a future post. 113 is the 31st Prime, 1=Prime. 31 alludes to 3rd Adam [3 * 10] + 1 for The Creator. The sum [Ordinal Mispar Bone’eh [MB] + Standard MB + Sofit MB] = 8128 = 4th “Perfect” Number, with 4 as previously defined. The 10 occurrences of Adam in H121 display very high Number Power, indeed.
Back to the amended 120 Generations of Luke and Matthew, plus Closed Mem = 121, as displayed in Figure 12.
Most, but not all, of the Number Power in Figure 12 is resident in the historical Standard and Sofit Ciphers, the Prime Number Ciphers, and the Genesis Ciphers, but primarily for the kolels [Word and/or Letter Counts]. Let’s take a look.
Standard Cipher value + Letter Kolel = 32213 = 3456th Prime, or the 3457th Prime, 1=Prime, and the 484th “Super” Prime for 1=Prime, which is not in but I did personally calculate that number series. “Super” as in the Creator deems that you are righteous or “Super”. You have “overcome”. Rev 3:21 “He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” 484 = 222, which signifies the Completion of the 22 Standard Values of the 22 Hebrew Letters.
3456 has huge Number Power. See it at NumbersAplenty. 3456 is the 524th “Happy” Number, and 524 = Ordinal Cipher value of the 42 Letter Name of HaShem. 3456 = 27 * 33, which are 27 and 33 chiburred, and 3456 = 63 * 42, conveying the Cube of 6 [The Simulation] and the Completion of the Natural World, with the chibur of 42 being 42. These are essentially Signatures of the Creator that convey, in this specific case, “you found the correct answer”. But I won’t stop here, of course.
3457 = 484th Prime, 1= Prime and 484 is 222 which is as previously defined. 3457 is also the lesser of the 182nd Sexy Prime pair, and 182 = Standard Cipher value of יעקב H3290 Jacob, representing “spiritual” as in being born “in the spirit” and being ready to move up to the next level. 3457 is also the 238th Pythagorean Prime, and 238 = Standard Cipher value of רחל H7354 Rachel, the more beautiful wife of Jacob. 3457 also figured prominently in the decode “Completing the Torah: How is the Torah Finalized? Part 4”. 3457 is also notably 345_7 which is Moses_Hebrew Letter ז Zayin (Crown), the 7th Letter.
Sofit Cipher value + Letter Kolel = 59123 = 5979th Prime, or the 5980th Prime, 1=Prime.
Well, the addition of either the Letter Shin [Fire, Ordinal = 21] or the Letter Resh [Crown, Ordinal = 20] would yield 6000, which is Completion of 6. Both fit.
59123 is the 800th Cousin Prime. Cousin Primes are Prime Numbers that are separated by 4, which likely alludes, as stated previously, to the Natural Order and is also the Ordinal Cipher value of the Letter ד Dalet, which can mean The “door”. 800 = 23 * 100 = 8 * 100, which refers to Life Eternal [8] * Completion of Mashiach [aka Christ], as previously written. Furthermore, the “Holy of Holies,” cube of 203 = 800 cubic cubits at the core of the Future Holy Temple, as written in 1 Kings 6:20. 1 Kings 6:20 as in 1620 = 1000 + 620 = Sofit of the future 23rd Hebrew Letter + כתר H3804 Keter “crown”, which has a Sofit Cipher value = 620.
Now, the sum of the Prime Number Indices for the Standard and Sofit Cipher values, for 1=Prime, is 3457 + 5980 = 9437 which is, itself a Prime Number, and is notably the 424th Harmonic Prime Number, with 424 = Standard Cipher value of משיח בן דוד Moshiach Ben David “Anointed Son of David”, “Christ Son of David”. A double confirmation. 424 was mentioned previously in the paragraph about Verse placement.
Furthermore, the 2*Pi_Phi_3*Katan 0 Cipher value + Letter Kolel + Word Kolel = 90100 = 424th Triangular Number. A triple confirmation. The 2*Pi_Phi_3*Katan 0 is the brother of the 2*Pi_Phi_Ordinal Cipher in that both have a 27-Letter Value = 5778.000 as in 5778 HC = 2018 AD, the event horizon year of the Creator’s Reset. Furthermore, the start of year 5778 HC was Sep 21, 2017, and 2 days later was notable for these reasons:
It was Shabbat Shuva “the Sabbath of Return”, as in “Return to The Creator”.
It marked the appearance of the sign of Rev 12:1 [121 = 112] “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head.”
On Sep 23, 2017, Sep 23 being 9/23 which is 923 concatenated, the sun was in the zodiac constellation Virgo — “a woman clothed with the sun”.
There are 923 occurrences of ιησου, Iésous, "Jesus" in the Bible. Scroll to the bottom of the webpage to see the count.
Sep 21, 2017 was the 3rd day of year 5778. 3 as in 3rd Adam.
Next, another previously unmentioned Cipher. I discovered a Cipher by taking the Digital Root 1 of the first 28 Words of Gen 1:1 and “Triangling” them. That Cipher is under Column #41 in Figure 12, and is next to last Cipher denoted in Yellow background, upper right. Let’s call that the “Gen 1:1 K1 A” Cipher. It basically is a “Genesis query” for any set of Hebrew Letters. The Gen 1:1 K1 A Cipher value + Letter Kolel + Word Kolel of the “Amended 120 Generations of Luke and Matthew, plus Closed Mem” = 29179 = 3173rd Prime Number for 1=Prime. Notably, Strong’s H3173 is יחיד yachid, which is translated, according to Biblehub as “lonely (2), one and child (1), only (5), only son (4)”. Yachid, aka, yechida, has been said to be the 5th and highest level of soul. Wow again….
The elite “good” kabbalist, and there are only a handful, maybe just two or three, could look at Figure 12 and extract at least several more messages. I leave that to them.
I could expound on more of the Cipher values in Figure 12, but I think that I am way past the threshold of demonstrating the validity of this decode to find the amended Luke 3 genealogy of Jesus “Yah is Salvation”.
Jesus. Joshua. Mashiach. Anointed. Christ. They all basically mean the same thing. In my humble opinion, there is no “religion”. There is only Truth and deception. I have shared some of what I found in my journey to find the Truth.
So, in summary, the amended, hidden genealogy of Luke, as expressed in Hebrew, entails the following amendments:
No generation with Admin, as was in the original Greek version of Luke’s genealogy.
Eli [Heli] expressed as בןעלי “Son of Eli”, aka “Son of Heli”.
The insertion of את Alef-Tav into Generation #75, which follows Generation #74 Matthat “death”.
The result is a longer path to “Salvation”, for those on the path of Luke, than those who travelled the path of Matthew, as was demonstrated in this decode.
If you wish to honor The Creator, and, and if you wish to honor my labors [I mean my labors: not me] in sharing this body of work with you, then widely and frequently share BibleDecodes with others.
I stand in awe of The Creator, the Torah, and the Torah & Hebrew Letter Codes.
All Glory and Honor Belong to the Creator!
Thank you, HaShem, for the gift of this amazing journey!!!
The deepest, most profound, greatest secrets of the Bible are found by using mathematics. I urge you to study how to numerically decode the Torah. I have been illustrating some of the methods to do just that.
Stop taking the mRNA and DNA Fake Vaccines, for your own benefit. They are genome-change agents that change your God-given image. They are not “vaccines”. See my post “mRNA and DNA Fake Vaccines: The Condensed Decode”.
To close, let me share The Blessing of the Kohanim:
יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ
יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ
יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם.
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee.
The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee.
The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.